Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So far, so good.

On Monday I made a vegan sausage pizza. On Tuesday I ate a big spinach, basil, hummus, tomato, cucumber filled pita, today I made a big pot of soup with tons of veggies.
I feel good. Did yoga today. At the end of the class, we have a ten minute relaxation time where the instructor shuts off the lights and you just lay on your mat and follow the simple reflex type instructions she gives you or whatever you want. I fall asleep. Its sooo relaxing. When I woke up from my doze today, I opened my eyes, everyone was sitting up and about to get up and leave.
Ahhhh. So far, so good.
AND no processed, chemical, shit, or alcohol. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

I hated my body then? I should hate it now!

Dammit! I don't know why, but I was sifting through old highschool pictures on facebook. Shit! Was I skinny! I was a curvy, nice size 6 or 8, with a tiny little waist. I would SO KILL for that body now. Now I'm a pleasant size fucking 12. And you know what the worst part about it is?
I have never been happy with my weight. Ever. Not even when I was a 6. I was going for a 2. Because my friends were smaller, their legs were skinnier, abs were harder, boobs somehow bigger, hair straighter,  I hated myself even then when my body was rockin. That's awful. I have never been happy with my body.

I am confident. I think I'm a beautiful person, but I don't go out sometimes just because I hate the way my clothes look on me. I haven't bought a pair of jeans in two years, minus my work jeans that I bought on clearance for eight bucks. I have over a thousand dollars worth of jeans that are just sitting in my closet that I can't wear because I can't seem to stand up to temptation when it comes to beer and cookies.

I've had it. I have to love myself. Inside and out. Why would I be so self destructive? Give in to bad food and alcohol at the cost of my health, self-image, and how about $$$. And for god's sake. I work at a gym. Why the hell wouldn't I use the awesome facility that is FREE to me??? I'm an idiot.
I'm so done with shit food. I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow and stocking up on veggies.
I am sick of digging for compliments from my boyfriend just to feel okay about myself. That's such bull. It's lovely to know that your man admires you...but is that my sole source of confidence?? Let's hope not.


And gosh darn, it's in bold caps because I mean it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

BEEF. It's whats for dinner. Let's wash it down with some Sunny D.

It was a gorgeous day and I was driving down the highway when I spotted a pasture of beautiful brown cows, happily grazing in the grass. As I appreciated the breeze, the sun, the rolling green hills that these cows get to wander, I see a big sign in front of the cows' pasture, "BEEF, IT'S WHATS FOR DINNER". Ugh. Totally ruined the moment.
This weekend I went to visit some friends who I haven't seen in a long time. The boys were discussing where to eat and I overhear my boyfriend, Tanner, chime in and say, "Anywhere with vegetarian options!" What a sweetie. Anyway, this raised many questions about my vegetarian/vegan lifestyle changes. And the most common question I heard that night was What is the difference between vegetarian and vegan?
Vegetarians don't eat meat, fish, poultry. They may choose to eat other animal products such as cheese, milk, eggs, yogurt. Vegans don't eat meat, fish, poultry, but also take it a step further by eliminating all animal products from their diet. No eggs, no milk, etc. Many also choose not to use other products from animals such as leather, wool, or silk. There are some sub categories of vegetarian, though I haven't heard them used too much. Lacto-vegetarians will eat dairy, but not eggs. Ovo-vegetarians will eat eggs, but not dairy. Lacto-ovo vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products.
Vegan is my goal. I would like to achieve a plant-based diet. And I'm not going to lie, IT IS SO HARD!
Everything has some sort of animal product in it. Either eggs or milk, some sort of whey protein. Even some refined sugar (which is a no-no anyway!) is sifted through animal bones. Ick.
The other day I was reading the ingredients on some grated parmesan cheese and one of the ingredients read, "goat or cow whey protein". Huh? They don't know which one they used? Too weird.

Veg style aside... DID YOU KNOW? Sunny Delight has hydrogenated oil in it. Sick.
What is hydrogenated oil, you ask? It is when they change the makeup of the oil by adding hydrogen. This turns into trans fats! There is evidence to suggest that trans fatty acids may accumulate in the body, because the digestive system has difficulty figuring out what to do with them. It is stored and you gain weight.
So let's give our overweight, lazy, media-bogged children Sunny D everyday!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Beginning

Here, I am. In my journey. I have been meat free for six weeks now. The transition hasn't been that much of a challenge for me, because I have never really cared for meat. I understand that the transition to vegetarian may be very hard for others. My roommate and I are both vegetarians and trying to explain our reasoning to our boyfriends (who are roommates as well), is awful and often ends up in heated arguments.

I first became vegetarian when I was a sophomore in highschool and working at a small cafe. It was part of my duties to make the hamburger patties. I would put on a pair of rubber gloves, pull out a huge package of 70% lean hamburger meat with a big "DISCOUNTED FOR FAST SALE" sticker on it and I would weigh out 6 ounce patties until it was gone. My hands were caked in fat. It was disgusting. It smelled. And people ate it! I was so grossed out, I gave up meat entirely. That was my only fuel though, I just didn't want to eat it because It was gross. I then slowly warmed back up to meat, and started eating meat if it was locally grown and very lean. Then eventually I worked back into eating any meat.

So now, I am about seven years older, wiser, and more educated. And I'm learning what's good for my body. Anyone interested in the journey, I would suggest reading Skinny Bitch and The Kind Diet. And this blog!
Goodnight for now.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Post!

This will be very short, as I am wearing my pj's and I have to be at stinking work in 23 minutes. SO!
Welcome! I will have so much to bitch about after work, so perhaps I should just wait until then to post. I'll just post again and I'm sure that will be much more intersting and amusing than now.